The Tuesday Ladies Group (TLG) is an English-speaking network of international women living in Doha. Our aim is to offer a a wide range of events, activities and interest groups to enhance your time in Qatar. We create an environment to form new friendships, develop new skills, share advice and local knowledge. Founded in February 1976 as the British Ladies Coffee Morning, the group was renamed in the 1980's to the Tuesday Ladies Group to include the diverse range of nationalities that were moving to Qatar. The group is run by a committee of volunteers. Participation is open to all women in Qatar. We believe TLG is richer for having over 42 different nationalities represented within the group. We meet every alternate Tuesday from September to May for our main gatherings, with our Summer Coffee Mornings being held from May to August. We also run activities on the alternate Tuesday's throughout the year. These can be anything from a museum tour, cultural trips or visiting a new establishment. |